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Jacobs’ Special Studies for the Tuba

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 8:20 pm
by Bach5G
Anyone familiar with this? I got a copy from my bass trombone teacher one summer and just recently rediscovered it.

Re: Jacobs’ Special Studies for the Tuba

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 8:48 pm
by Slideorama
The studies are run of the mill. But if taught by Jacobs, then that was something very special. ... odtuba.php

Re: Jacobs’ Special Studies for the Tuba

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 3:15 pm
by NorthernEuph
In spite of all the teaching Mr. Jacobs did and the high number of his students that went on to play professionally, he published almost nothing. If you are interesting in pursuing Mr. Jacobs's legacy, I would like to recommend:
"Song and Wing" - Brian Frederickson
"Arnold Jacobs: The Legacy of a Master" - compiled by M. Dee Stewart
"Also Sprach Arnold Jacobs" - compiled by Bruce Nelson (contains the special studies for tuba)
CD "Portrait of an Artist" - Summit Records
CD "Legacy of an Artist" - Summit Records