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I tried the new Laskey Alessi 60s!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 2:30 am
by MistedSwan
I play a Bach 42 that has a reamed leadpipe. I am normally on a Greg Black 4.5G-5G (Lightweight) that has been adapted so it fits the proper length into this reamed leadpipe. I did not adapt the Laskey's. ALSO, this is not God's word, large grains of salt required from here.

60 Solo 1.024” Mid-Shallow 0.282” 0.438”
60 Symph 1.024” Mid-Deep 0.293” 0.438”

The 60SOLO was what I thought I would like. I've been looking for a mouthpiece that has a 4 rim (26mm/1.02362inches) but still a great response. The mouthpiece rim felt good on my face! The overall feel of the mouthpiece was not fantastic however. The resistance was a bit much for me, but the sound was just fine. The response was similar to the Greg Black 4.5G-5G (Lightweight). I could play on this mouthpiece, but I wouldn't feel great on it.

I found the 60SYMPH MUCH more to my liking. The feel is very nice, resistance just right, sound is fine. Response was a bit better than the Greg Black 4.5G-5G (Lightweight). I couldn't truly fill this one up, but that probably means I can grow into it and probably get a larger/louder overall sound after a month on it. I quite like this.

Sidenote for both mouthpieces, Alessi's signature looks VERY nice on the mouthpieces!

Re: I tried the new Laskey Alessi 60s!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 10:20 am
by Bach5G

Re: I tried the new Laskey Alessi 60s!!!

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2023 10:41 am
by trombonedemon
How similar to the Greigo?

Re: I tried the new Laskey Alessi 60s!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 6:51 pm
by CalgaryTbone
I just tried them both out too - I liked the "solo" model better. Very good mouthpieces. I believe they are selling for $200 US at a few retailers for the silver plated versions. I think gold is about $100 more. I'm thinking of ordering one.

Jim Scott

Re: I tried the new Laskey Alessi 60s!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 9:55 am
by rabiddolphin
I find it isn't really like the previous Griego model at all. The rim is overall more round than the previous and the inner edge is softer as well.

Re: I tried the new Laskey Alessi 60s!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 10:45 am
by Druidman
Personally, I find that the Griego mouthpieces tended to have a little more energy in the sound, but the Laskey pieces were still very good. I'm really curious about their Alessi Alto and Bass piece (if they're still planning on those).