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Dave "I'm Just a Bill" Frishberg dies

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 11:27 pm
by robcat2075
The guy who wrote "I'm Just a Bill" has died.

Apparently he had a substantial career writing many other songs I've never heard of, with four Grammy nominations for it.

Dave Frishberg, Writer of Songs Sardonic and Nostalgic, Dies at 88
A gifted jazz pianist and a singer with a limited range but a distinctive voice, he wrote mostly for grown-ups but reached his largest audience on “Schoolhouse Rock!”

On an another note... that has to be the slightest comb-over I have ever seen. I don't think you could have less hair and still have anything to comb over. And yet, somehow, if you squint a little... it kinda works.

Re: Dave "I'm Just a Bill" Frishberg dies

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 11:39 pm
by Bach5G
Brilliant songwriter.

Another of his songs, performed by Diana K:

Someone said the world is a little less hip today. I agree.