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Conn 88 H Cork Barrel for screw in leadpipes

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 9:36 am
by ttf_Bellend

Can anyone tell me the Conn Selmer parts number for an 88H upper cork barrel assembly that has the threaded receiver to accept screw in lead pipes?, or alternatively where I can source one?

I am asking this on behalf of a friend who is a repair tech here in the UK where this part is apparently not listed.



Conn 88 H Cork Barrel for screw in leadpipes

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 9:36 am
by ttf_Bellend

Can anyone tell me the Conn Selmer parts number for an 88H upper cork barrel assembly that has the threaded receiver to accept screw in lead pipes?, or alternatively where I can source one?

I am asking this on behalf of a friend who is a repair tech here in the UK where this part is apparently not listed.

