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Mus-icon shortage

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 10:02 am
by robcat2075
I was reading a post by a member where he had to very awkwardly describe a musical pattern that would have been far more easily conveyed in notation.

We have an enormous set of available smilies but not enough music icons to even make a C scale in bass clef.
If I made a more complete set of musical symbols, would they get used?

Re: Mus-icon shortage

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 11:41 am
by Matt K
Those assets were copied from the old forum. That was one of my first programming projects and I made a mistake that didn't quite get everything (understatement of the century) and so the assets we have are the ones that were essentially the ones used in the articles I scraped. If you finish out the notes I can add them pretty easily. I can't think of a time when I ever used them personally and if I did, I'd usually fire up Sibelius and write it out but I could see the utility, personally.

Re: Mus-icon shortage

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 12:28 pm
by robcat2075
I propose making a new, larger, more legible set.

The current icons have just three pixels per space
:space2: :line3: :line4:

five pixels per space looks like this...

nine pixels looks like this...


Re: Mus-icon shortage

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 2:08 pm
by ithinknot
robcat2075 wrote: Fri Apr 23, 2021 12:28 pm pixels per space
Five :good: - nine would break things up too much if you slipped them into general text.

Re: Mus-icon shortage

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 9:00 am
by robcat2075
Yes, I think five will do.

I am surprised that there is not already some available opensource code for forums that would enable inputting brief musical elements into posts, much like there are tools that enable the proper display of mathematical formulas.

But after looking around, i can't see that anything like that exists.

Re: Mus-icon shortage

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 12:14 pm
by soseggnchips
robcat2075 wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 9:00 am I am surprised that there is not already some available opensource code for forums that would enable inputting brief musical elements into posts, much like there are tools that enable the proper display of mathematical formulas.
Yeah, it's a shame there's not a plugin that could interpret in-line Lilypond code or similar... guess it's a pretty niche requirement though.

Re: Mus-icon shortage

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 9:46 pm
by robcat2075
Here is a page that generates a line of notation using HTML and CSS

Re: Mus-icon shortage

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 3:20 pm
by robcat2075
I'm still investigating the non-image possibilities.

Check this out

Lassus Font

Type 1)_+QWERT into the sample text box and you'll get a C major scale in bass clef.

However, I don't see a way to make this easy to use for the forum.

Re: Mus-icon shortage

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 4:54 pm
by robcat2075