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complaint about a mute dealer (non delivery)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 5:53 pm
by gregwaits
I purchased two wooden mutes from a manufacturer in South America......4 months ago.

Since then I have gotten nothing but stalling and broken promises. I hate throwing sellers under the bus and I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. That said, it pains me to have to post this message. However I will not name the seller. If anyone wants to know who it is, send me a pm.

I get that the CV19 pandemic has affected mail delivery...esp from foreign countries. That is why I have tried to be patient.

But I have asked for a full refund on three occasions and I am told (in essence) "the mutes are at the shipper. They should go out soon" I have gotten that line multiple times.

What happened to business ethics? There is another dealer (in the USA) who has a rep for charging for products that he doesn't even have in stock, and when he is pressed to make good on it, the customer is insulted and ignored. This dealer came to the defense of this mute seller....which baffles me. Right is right and wrong is wrong.

At this point I have concluded that I have to take the loss ($200+)

Not cool