Courtois 11PM and 12CS comparable mouthpieces

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Courtois 11PM and 12CS comparable mouthpieces

Post by DutchGuy »

Hello guys,

I've played a second hand Courtois 150 (small shank) with a Courtois 12CS mouthpiece as my first real trombone for about one and a half years now. I recently got a trombone with a large shank, and got a courtois 11 PM mouthpiece with it. Of all mouthpieces I tried, this one is most comfortable to me coming from a small shank 12CS.

I may or may not keep the trombone, but I kinda like the mouthpiece. Sadly, I can't find anything about it. Does anyone know what this could be compared to? That would help me buy another one if I decide to return the trombone but want to keep playing on a mouthpiece like that.
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Re: Courtois 11PM and 12CS comparable mouthpieces

Post by Bart »

The Courtois mouthpieces are still available, so you can still buy a new 11PM if you decide to not keep the trombone :)

I'm guessing you're Dutch? I know they have one in stock in Veldhoven, so maybe that's an option for you? Send me a PM for more info if you need it.
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Re: Courtois 11PM and 12CS comparable mouthpieces

Post by DutchGuy »

You are correct. I'm Dutch, as my username suggests :)
I've returned the trombone. Good to know they still exist and are being sold.
I don't know what trombone I'm gonna buy yet because that largely depends on the second-hand stuff placed online. If that is a large shank trombone, I'll look into that store. Do you have the name of this store, or a link to the website or mouthpiece?
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Re: Courtois 11PM and 12CS comparable mouthpieces

Post by Bart »

I'll send you a PM! No need for unnecessary advertising :)
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Re: Courtois 11PM and 12CS comparable mouthpieces

Post by Bart »

Woops! My bad, I'm not yet allowed to send PM's. I guess I should be more active on here :wink:

De Blaasinstrumentenspecialist in Veldhoven has the mouthpiece in stock :good:
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