Mystery recordings will now be heard...

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Mystery recordings will now be heard...

Post by robcat2075 »

Listen to this NPR story with special reveal for cartoon fans

Mystery recordings will now be heard for the first time in about 100 years
In the 1890s, they were a revolution. People slid blank cylinders onto their Edison phonographs (or shaved down the wax on commercial cylinders) and recorded their families, their environments, themselves...

They haven't been heard because the wax is so fragile. The earliest, putty-colored cylinders deteriorate after only a few dozen listens if played on the Edison machines; they crack if you hold them too long in your hand. And because the wax tubes themselves were unlabeled, many of them remain mysteries...
What voice will be heard, after 100+ years of silence...?
>>Robert Holmén<<

Hear me as I play my horn

See my Spacepod movie
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