Freebuzzing in your Routine

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Freebuzzing in your Routine

Post by BrianAn »

Currently, before I start playing I do some flappy lips to get my face warmed up, followed by some freebuzzing. To others who freebuzz, how do you implement it into your routine? Do you do it before you pick up the horn, somewhere near the middle, toward the end? What about a full routine vs a quick warmup before a rehearsal? Do you freebuzz for both, or maybe just one or the other? I am not here to debate the effectiveness of freebuzzing or not, this is just directed at other people who do it to see how they apply it to themselves.
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Re: Freebuzzing in your Routine

Post by FOSSIL »

In normal times I freebuzz in the car on the way to work. Since covid, I just pick up the horn at home and just play.
buzzing is there if I want to use it

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Re: Freebuzzing in your Routine

Post by Wilktone »

I free buzz pretty much daily, but separated from my normal practice time. I usually just do a simple exercise where you buzz the highest pitch you can using a very soft, airy sound. Hold that pitch out as long as you can and repeat two more times. The benefit is that buzzing this way specifically targets the muscles that intersect at and just under the mouth corners.

Some of my students benefit from free buzzing into the instrument, although that doesn't work for some players for reasons I won't get into now.
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Re: Freebuzzing in your Routine

Post by Redthunder »

I freebuzzed daily for a bout two years using Dave's routine he posted above. I usually did it in the morning before I had ever picked up the horn.

Now I do it to demonstrate for students mostly and whenever I think to do it if I have a light playing day.
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